March 25, 2013

Why do Women Love Shoes?

Vera Nur, Shoe Designer
Blouse: Koton
Skirt: Stradivarius
Clutch: Vintage
Shoes: Own Design
After Mehtap Elaidi's show the runway was already empty when I saw Vera sitting in between empty bags, folders and gift wraps. There was something beautiful and unreal about that scene. We started talking after I took some pictures. Vera told me that she is a shoe designer. The white, block heeled sandals is the first pair she designed. I like the idea that no one else is wearing the same pair. Vera's story makes me wonder why women are emotionally attached to shoes. There is a key scene in Sex And The City where Carry wonders what she has done with all her money. After a while, she realizes that her personal asset is actually inside her closet - she spent 40,000$ on shoes. And she is not alone. Every woman I know has a thing for shoes. Even shoes that hurt their feet. I think, shoes are fashion crack. It doesn't matter what size you are, how your hair looks, what job you have. Shoes won't judge  you like a pair of jeans will. It is not how much you spend on them or whether they are boots or stilettos. Shoes just don't discriminate. Being a shoe designer is a powerful job. I wish Vera every success in building her own shoe brand.
Vera's first shoe design: White block heeled sandals.
A great shop for buying designer shoes and for observing shoe trends is Footcandy. I like their blog: - where Carolyn Butter(calling herself a shoe connoisseur) provides us with her impressive shoe knowledge.
Vera's necklace says: "I have all you need!"
If you are looking for nice quote jewelry, check out The Giving Tree Gallery